Our Covenant
If some of the language in our church covenant seems dated and clunky, it’s because it is dated and clunky. We borrowed heavily from a standard covenant used by scores of churches for more than 100 years. In part we chose this language because of its beauty and precision, and to symbolize our connection to faithful Christians before us. But we also want the language to seem formal and maybe a little bit unfamiliar. Our commitment to each other isn’t casual, and we don’t want our covenant to read that way either. All new members affirm this covenant when they join the church and we read it to each other before every members meeting to remind ourselves of our commitment to this body. In short, this covenant defines what it means to be a member of Edgefield Church.
Having, as we trust, been brought by divine grace to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give up ourselves to Him, and having been baptized upon our profession of faith, in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying on His gracious aid, solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with each other.
We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
We will live together in Christian love, exercising affectionate care and watchfulness over each other, encouraging each other to forsake sin and pursue holiness.
We will commit to pray for each other, to bear each other’s burdens, to rejoice and mourn together, and to seek mutual discipleship in community.
We will extend to each other the grace shown to us in Christ Jesus, remaining slow to take offense and quick to seek reconciliation.
We will seek to live carefully in the world, as those being transformed by the gospel, showing through our conduct that we have died to sin and been raised to new life in Christ Jesus.
We will strive to raise those under our care in the knowledge and love of the Lord, and by word and loving example seek the salvation of our families and friends.
We will faithfully attend the meetings of the church and work together to sustain its worship, discipline, and doctrines.
We will devote our time and abilities for the good of the church, and we will joyfully contribute to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the gospel through all nations.
We will, when we move from this place, notify this congregation and covenant with another church faithful to the principles of God’s Word.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.