Service Opportunities
This is a comprehensive list of the service opportunities that are available on Sunday mornings at Edgefield Church. Feel free to inquire about as many opportunities as interest you. Once we receive your email we will connect you with the individuals overseeing those particular service areas. If you have any questions about these roles, please contact
Thank you!
Working with children at Edgefield Church requires an application process as well as a background check.
CHILDCARE CLASSROOM VOLUNTEER - This person serves as part of the childcare team during the worship service. Each volunteer is assigned to a classroom and serves with one to two other classroom volunteers. These volunteers are responsible for the safety of the children in their care. Currently, there are five classes for infants through preschoolers, each class requiring 2-3 adult volunteers each Sunday.
CHILDCARE FLOATER - This person serves as part of the childcare team during the worship service. They assist with the check-in/check-out process for families utilizing Edgefield’s childcare, maintaining current rosters for each classroom, assisting classroom volunteers as needed, and notifying parents during the worship service as needed.
CHILDCARE TEAM LEAD - This person serves as part of the childcare team during the worship service. They lead the volunteer meeting which occurs Sunday mornings before the check-in process begins. This volunteer also assists with the check-in/check-out process for families utilizing Edgefield’s childcare, maintaining current rosters for each classroom, ensuring classroom volunteers are well equipped and classroom ratios are being followed, and assists with notifying parents during the worship services as needed.
WELCOME TABLE SET UP / TEAR DOWN - This volunteer arrives at 8:00am when Sunday school is in session, 9:00am during the summer months, and is responsible for brewing coffee, warm water for tea, and setting up hospitality tables. They are also responsible for monitoring table supplies and appearance throughout the morning and cleaning up once the main gathering ends.
SUNDAY SCHOOL GREETER - This person arrives at 8:45am when Sunday school is in session to greet people at the entry doors. They hand out worship guides and direct people to Children's Check-In, Youth Group Gathering, and/or Adult Bible Study locations. They provide answers to general questions as needed.
WORSHIP SERVICE GREETER - This person arrives by 10:00am to greet people at the entry doors before the worship service begins. They hand out worship guides and direct people to Children's Check-In and/or the auditorium until 10:40am. They provide answers to general questions as needed.
USHER - This team arrives by 10:00am and serves as a presence in our hospitality areas and the main auditorium to help answer questions, greet guests, and assist with other needs that may arise by attendees. Ushers are also responsible to assist attendees in case of fire, severe weather, or medical emergencies. At the end of the service, ushers assist with counting the offering. Once a month, ushers may be asked to help with distributing communion elements to the congregation.
*For more information about joining one of the Hospitality Teams, please email our Deacon of Hospitality, Carter Stallings.
This team arrives by 10:00am to provide a physical presence in the hallways and exterior of the building and is responsible for helping with the safety of adults and children. Team members are required to wear a two-way radio and remain on their feet for most of the morning while serving. Safety team volunteers also function as a point person when latecomers enter the building during the worship service. Team members will occasionally be asked to help with safety at special events as well. Background check required.
*For more information or to express interest in joining the Safety Team, please email
Our communion volunteers are responsible for helping to prepare the elements and trays for Sundays when we celebrate communion. This is typically a two-person team in which one volunteer is responsible for baking the communion bread and then both volunteers are responsible for preparing trays, setting up, and cleaning up the communion tables. This requires arriving early on the morning assigned (8:00am when Sunday school is in session, 9:00am during summer months) and staying several minutes after the service to clean up. Typically, Edgefield Church practices communion the first Sunday of each month.
*For more information or to express interest in joining the Communion Team, please email
A/V SOUNDBOARD - Soundboard volunteers arrive at 8:00am on Sunday mornings for sound check and then operate the soundboard during the worship gathering.
A/V SLIDES - Volunteers on this team arrive at 8:00am on Sunday mornings for sound check and then run the ProPresent slides during the worship gathering.
*For more information or to express interest in joining the A/V Team, please email