Date: 12/27/20
Speaker: Jonathan Worsley
Title: Great Expectations
Scripture: Luke 2:36-38
Description: As 2021 dawns what should Christians hope for? The prophetess, Anna, models how those who await the coming king live.
Date: 12/27/20
Speaker: Jonathan Worsley
Title: Great Expectations
Scripture: Luke 2:36-38
Description: As 2021 dawns what should Christians hope for? The prophetess, Anna, models how those who await the coming king live.
Date: 12/20/20
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Trust Him
Scripture: Hebrews 2:14-15
Description: The coming of Jesus is the proof we need that, no matter what uncertainty we're facing, we can trust the Lord with our lives.
Date: 9/20/20
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Unless the Lord
Scripture: Psalm 127:1-2
Description: Everything that matters to our church depends on the power of God at work among us. So let's celebrate what he has built, and trust him with what we love.
Date: 01/26/20
Speaker: Jonathan Worsley
Title: Lifted from the Depths
Scripture: Psalm 30
Description: In this psalm David sings of the goodness of God who found him in death and restored him to life. Because David's song is really Jesus's song, it can be our song too.
Date: 12/29/19
Speaker: Justin Myers
Title: Direct Access To God
Scripture: Hebrews 10:19-25
Description: Do you pray? We quickly answer yes, but how often do we consider why we don’t pray? In this passage, we uncover four hindrances to prayer that the author assumes while he encourages us to confidently and hopefully approach God’s throne.
Date: 12/22/19
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title: The Glorious Birth Of Christ
Scripture: Luke 2:1-21
Description: The Birth of Jesus displays the glory of God. But Jesus was born into humble means, and that means he is the savior for everyone, especially those who are broken and marginalized. By temporarily setting aside His glory, Jesus makes a way for us to know the glory of God forever.
Date: 12/15/19
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title: A Birth Announcement
Scripture: Luke 1:67-79
Description: Jesus is the savior that God promised to send, making peace with God for those who trust in him through the blood of the cross. But what exactly is this peace that Jesus purchases for us, how can we get it, and why does God give it to us?
Date: 10/13/19
Speaker: Scotty Smith
Title: The Astonishing, Transformative Love Of The Father
Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3
Description: In this text John is caught up into worship by the beauty of the gospel, and calls us to join him. How can we? By looking to an astonishing love, and liberating relationship, and a transformative hope.
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Sunday School - 9:00 am
Worship Service - 10:30am
Sunday Evening Service - 5:00pm (Monthly on 1st Sunday)
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Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 3:00pm
Phone - 615-730-7267
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Edgefield Church Nashville | 700 Russell Street, Nashville, TN 37206 | EIN 62-0550982