Death Is Not the End - John 5:16-29


Date:  05/04/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Death Is Not The End
Scripture:  John 5:16-29

Description:  The words of Jesus in this passage are the words that got him killed. When we hear his words as they sounded to his first audience, it’s not difficult to understand why. He is making claims that are ridiculous at best and dangerous at worst, if they’re not true, that is. If they’re true, if he does have the power of God over life and death and judgment, then we must honor the Son.

Our Living, Life-Giving Shepherd - John 10:10-18


Date:  04/20/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Our Living, Life-Giving Shepherd
Scripture:  John 10:10-18

Description:  In place of a life defined by sin, suffering and death, Jesus offers us a life that is abundant and eternal. This passage is meant to show us why we can trust him to deliver on his promise. Jesus cares for his people with a love that drove him to death and a power that death could not conquer.

What Jesus Offers - John 4:1-18


Date:  03/23/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  What Jesus Offers
Scripture:  John 4:1-18

Description:  This passage tells the story of Jesus’s meeting with a lonely Samaritan woman, an outcast even among an outcast people, whose life seems to have been a series of failed relationships with men. John tells the story to illustrate what Jesus came to offer those who trust in him. He offers acceptance even for those rejected by everyone else. And he offers satisfaction that is unmatched and unending.

He Must Increase - John 3:22-36


Date:  03/16/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  He Must Increase
Scripture:  John 3:22-36

Description:  This story centers on John the Baptist near the end of his life, just as his ministry was fading away and eclipsed by the rising popularity of Jesus. In his response to the situation we get one of this Gospel’s clearest examples of what it looks like to have genuine faith in Jesus. There’s transforming, liberating power in John’s statement of faith: “He must increase; I must decrease.”

Born Again - John 2:23-3:15


Date:  03/02/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Born Again
Scripture:  John 2:23-3:15

Description:  Jesus insists that only those who are born again can enter the kingdom he came to establish. But what does it mean to be born again? And where can you get this experience? The answers come out in Jesus’s conversation with a religious leader named Nicodemus. They’re unexpected, but they’re life-giving.

Jesus and Knowing God - John 2:13-22


Date:  02/23/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Jesus And Knowing God
Scripture:  John 2:13-22

Description:  This passage tells the story of Jesus cleansing the Jerusalem temple of all those selling animals and changing money. The fury of Jesus can be shocking given what we normally expect from him. But the anger he showed in driving shopkeepers from the temple flowed from the same love that drove him to earth. His all-consuming passion was for knowing God, and he came to make knowing God possible for us.

The Wedding - John 2:1-12


Date:  02/16/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  The Wedding
Scripture:  John 2:1-12

Description:  This story captures the first of Jesus’s “signs”, actions that symbolize what he came to do for us. It isn’t as eye-catching as some of his later miracles. There’s no healing of the sick, no calming of a storm, no resurrection of the dead. But when Jesus turned water into wine, he offered a perfect taste of what his coming means for his people: he will turn guilt and shame to unimaginable joy.

Following John To Jesus - John 1:19-34


Date:  02/02/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Following John To Jesus
Scripture:  John 1:19-34

Description:  This story of Jesus’s life begins not with Jesus himself but with a figure called John the Baptist, one sent to prepare the way for the Christ. Following John’s lead, we get a clear picture of what we must know about ourselves and about Jesus if we’re to truly enjoy what Jesus offers us.

The Beauty Of Incarnation - John 1:14-18


Date:  01/26/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  The Beauty Of Incarnation
Scripture:  John 1:14-18

Description:  John wrote this book to persuade readers that Jesus is the only one who can give us the life we’re made for. And though he originally aimed at first-century Jewish readers, John’s Gospel is for all of us because all of us need to trust Jesus more than we do.

Jesus Is… - John 1:1-13


Date:  01/19/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Jesus Is…
Scripture:  John 1:1-13

Description:  The opening of John’s Gospel gets at questions all of us must address at one point or another. Where did we come from? Why are we here? What’s wrong with us and our environment? Who can we trust to solve problems that are too big for us? John places Jesus at the center of these questions, and confronts us with questions of his own, the questions his book will address all the way through: Who is Jesus? And who is Jesus to you?

Why Believe?: Introducing John’s Gospel - John 20:30-31


Date:  01/12/14
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Why Believe?: Introducing John’s Gospel
Scripture:  John 20:30-31

Description:  John wrote this book to persuade readers that Jesus is the only one who can give us the life we’re made for. And though he originally aimed at first-century Jewish readers, John’s Gospel is for all of us because all of us need to trust Jesus more than we do.

In All Things Love - 1 Corinthians 16:1-24


Date:  12/01/13
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  In All Things Love
Scripture:  1 Corinthians 16:1-24

Description:  Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth covers a full range of issues basic to human life across the centuries. It’s a letter about politics and competition, about fashion and style, about sex and money and food. And straight through every issue it’s about selfishness and the power of cross-centered love to overcome the root of evil. It’s a letter well-summarized by Paul’s final instruction: “Let all that you do be done in love.”

Because Christ Is Risen - 1 Corinthians 15:35-58


Date:  11/24/13
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Because Christ Is Risen
Scripture:  1 Corinthians 15:35-58

Description:  Jesus does more than remove the threat of death. He promises to give us bodies that won’t die through which we’ll know joy that is endless and complete. With this promise before us, there is nothing in this life we can’t do without for the sake of his kingdom.

Christ Is Risen - 1 Corinthians 15:1-34


Date:  11/17/13
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Christ Is Risen
Scripture:  1 Corinthians 15:1-34

Description:  For Paul, Christianity stands or falls on whether Jesus is alive. But why? Only a living Jesus can truly free us from guilt in life and fear in death. And only a living Jesus makes the Christian life anything less than pitiful.