The LORD is My Shepherd - Psalm 23


Date:  12/31/17
Speaker:  Bill Heerman
Title:  The LORD is My Shepherd
Scripture:  Psalm 23

Description: Psalm 23 has one central theme: The LORD is my shepherd. It is a statement that comforts the people of God, recognizing that God promises to provide for us, to protect us, and to give us what we need most--Himself.

The LORD is My Shepherd
Bill Heerman

Long Live the King - Psalm 72


Date:  12/17/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Long Live the King
Scripture:  Psalm 72

Description: A righteous king--an authority over us who always does what is right--is to our lives what rain or rich soil is to the grass. We were made to depend on such a king for our lives to flourish. This psalm shows us what a righteous king looks like, and how we can serve him.

Long Live the King
Matt McCullough

He Rules the World - Psalm 2


Date:  12/10/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  He Rules the World
Scripture:  Psalm 2

Description: When the powerful use their power to do whatever they want no matter who gets hurt, it makes sense to ask the question underlying this psalm: Who rules the world? And when you've felt the weight of that question, you're prepared to celebrate the good news in this psalm's answer.

He Rules the World
Matt McCullough

Let the Nations Be Glad - Psalm 67


Date:  12/03/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Let the Nations Be Glad
Scripture:  Psalm 67

Description: God gives grace to his people to show his saving power to all peoples. This psalm shows us that those who know God's grace and presence are responsible to share those blessings with those who haven't experienced them.

Let the Nations Be Glad
Matt McCullough

He Regards the Lowly - Psalm 138


Date:  11/19/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  He Regards the Lowly
Scripture:  Psalm 138

Description: Thanksgiving psalms like this one show us how to relate to God as if we have history together, as if he's been good to us when we've needed him. What do we need to see about God so our gratitude about the past fuels hope for the future?

He Regards the Lowly
Matt McCullough

Luther's Psalm - Psalm 118


Date:  10/29/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Luther's Psalm
Scripture:  Psalm 118

Description: To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, we decided to work through Psalm 118, the favorite psalm of Martin Luther. And it isn't difficult to see why he loved this psalm so much. It captures the heart of the gospel Luther helped to clarify: everything depends on God's steadfast love, which is freely available to all who believe.

Luther's Psalm
Matt McCullough

Steadfast Love - Psalm 90


Date:  10/08/17
Speaker:  Will Acuff
Title:  Steadfast Love
Scripture:  Psalm 90

Description: When you recognize the truth about human life, that all of us flourish then wither like grass, the psalmist's response is the only one that makes sense. "Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days."

Steadfast Love
Will Acuff

My Portion Forever - Psalm 73


Date:  09/17/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  My Portion Forever
Scripture:  Psalm 73

Description: Everyone experiences envy. No one enjoys what that feels like. But how do we overcome our tendency to envy the good things other people enjoy? This psalm helps us see that envy always comes from overvaluing what other people have, and from undervaluing what it is to have God's presence in your life.

My Portion Forever
Matt McCullough

Rejoicing in Vengeance? - Psalm 58


Date:  09/03/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Rejoicing in Vengeance?
Scripture:  Psalm 58

Description: This psalm is one of many that pray for the destruction of Israel's enemies. If you don't live with enemies close at hand, psalms like these can be hard to connect with. And given the brutal language, psalms like these can seem totally out of step with Jesus's call to love your enemies and pray for your persecutors. How should we respond to prayers like these? Should we rejoice in vengeance?

Rejoicing in Vengeance?
Matt McCullough

Wealth and Wisdom - Psalm 49


Date:  08/27/17
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Wealth and Wisdom
Scripture:  Psalm 49

Description:  How can we learn to worship God with our wealth rather than worshipping wealth as our god? We need to see what death does to wealth, so that we can see what Jesus does to death. Then we can see more clearly what Jesus means for our wealth.

Wealth and Wisdom
Matt McCullough