Date: 10/14/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: In Christ In The World
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:13-17
Description: What does it look like to engage the world around you as a Christian?
Date: 10/14/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: In Christ In The World
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:13-17
Description: What does it look like to engage the world around you as a Christian?
Date: 10/07/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Beloved Community
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:8-12
Description: Peter's final example of alien living is aimed at the life of the church community. We show our hope in Christ, that our hearts our fixed on an inheritance he's promised us, by our otherworldly love for one another.
Date: 09/30/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Hopeful Marriage
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1-7
Description: Peter's words to wives and husbands could be easily misunderstood, even rejected out of hand as a relic from another time. But if we listen carefully to what he says, we'll find a life-giving message that's rooted in the hope of the gospel.
Date: 09/23/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Facing Injustice With Hope
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:18-25
Description: Peter's words to slaves have a tragic history of misinterpretation and abuse. But what is he actually saying about slavery? And what can we learn from what Peter says?
Date: 09/16/18
Speaker: Shaka Mitchell
Title: Christian Ethics: Rethinking Freedom
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:11-17
Description: As believers, we are bound to a heavenly kingdom and by submitting to the Lord we find true freedom. At the same time our orientation to earthly authorities is one of obedience.
Date: 09/09/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Who Are You?
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-10
Description: In this passage on Christian identity Peter addresses three crucial questions all of us must face. How do you know who you are? Where do you get your validation? Where do you find your purpose?
Date: 09/02/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Hope Fuels Love
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:22-2:3
Description: The natural posture of the hopeful person is love, when hope is tethered to Jesus.
Date: 08/26/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: How Hope Makes Us Holy
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:10-21
Description: Christian holiness flows out of Christian hope, not the other way around. How should we respond to the hope God has given us? Peter gives us three examples.
Date: 08/19/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Joy and Sorrow
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:6-9
Description: Peter says it's possible to rejoice and to grieve at the same time. But only if you have a living hope. Do you?
Date: 08/12/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Hope Secured
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-5
Description: No one can live without hope. That's why Peter begins his letter with this profile of Christian hope--a secure hope because it begins and ends with God.
Date: 08/05/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Resident Aliens: Introducing 1 Peter
Scripture: 1 Peter 1:1-2
Description: Peter wrote this letter to help new Christians understand what it means to follow Jesus when identifying with him sets you apart from the culture where you live.
Date: 07/29/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Remember
Scripture: Lamentations 5
Description: This book of sorrow ends with a prayer. It's a prayer that wonderfully models the steps of lament we've been following all summer. And it's a prayer perfectly answered in Jesus.
Date: 07/22/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Witness
Scripture: Lamentations 4
Description: This poem answers the call of chapter one for a witness to the human tragedy of Jerusalem's fall. It offers a crucial model for us. Where and how should we bear witness to social problems in our time and place?
Date: 07/15/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Hope Lamenting
Scripture: Lamentations 3
Description: This third poem, a small but brilliant shaft of light in the darkness of this book, helps us learn how to fight for hope in the midst of sorrow.
Date: 07/08/18
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title: Remember the Wrath of God
Scripture: Lamentations 2
Description: Lamentations 2 is a poem of desperation, as the author gives voice to the anguish and desperation that the people of Israel felt when Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon in 587 BC. It serves as a sobering memorial to God's wrath, God's justice, and God's faithfulness to do what He said He would do. Where can we find hope in this suffocating judgment?
Date: 07/01/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: How?!
Scripture: Lamentations 1
Description: This collection of poems is a memorial to unimaginable suffering, meant to help us understand the pain of loss, the importance of a witness, and the only possible hope.
Date: 06/24/18
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: How Lament Builds Trust
Scripture: Psalm 13
Description: When laments begin with honesty about our experience and move through desperation that gives up on any other source of hope, laments don’t threaten trust in God’s love and care. They deepen that trust.
Date: 06/17/18
Speaker: Shaka Mitchell
Title: Praying Boldly in the Darkest Hour
Scripture: Psalm 22
Description: Psalm 22 gives us a template for moving from desperation to prayer to praise knowing we have final victory in Jesus.
Date: 06/10/18
Speaker: Seth Jones
Title: Choosing to Remember in Times of Lament
Scripture: Psalm 77
Description: The Bible doesn’t give us a method for getting rid of pain or suffering. But it does tell us what to remember in the midst of it.
Date: 06/03/18
Speaker: Matt Givens
Title: Why Do You Hide Yourself? Lamenting Injustice
Scripture: Psalm 10
Description: How are we supposed to respond to injustice when it seems like God is nowhere to be found? The Bible teaches us that our authentic suffering leads to authentic lament, which leads to authentic hope in God.
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Sunday School - 9:00 am
Worship Service - 10:30am
Sunday Evening Service - 5:00pm (Monthly on 1st Sunday)
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Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 3:00pm
Phone - 615-730-7267
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Edgefield Church Nashville | 700 Russell Street, Nashville, TN 37206 | EIN 62-0550982