Remember the Wrath of God: Lamentations 2


Date:  07/08/18
Speaker:  Bill Heerman
Title:  Remember the Wrath of God
Scripture:  Lamentations 2

Description:  Lamentations 2 is a poem of desperation, as the author gives voice to the anguish and desperation that the people of Israel felt when Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon in 587 BC. It serves as a sobering memorial to God's wrath, God's justice, and God's faithfulness to do what He said He would do. Where can we find hope in this suffocating judgment?

Why Do You Hide Yourself? Lamenting Injustice: Psalm 10


Date:  06/03/18
Speaker:  Matt Givens
Title:  Why Do You Hide Yourself? Lamenting Injustice
Scripture:  Psalm 10

Description: How are we supposed to respond to injustice when it seems like God is nowhere to be found? The Bible teaches us that our authentic suffering leads to authentic lament, which leads to authentic hope in God.