I Have Given You an Example: John 13:1-30

Date:  07/20/22
Speaker: Matt McCullough

Title: I Have Given You an Example
Scripture: John 13:1-30

Description: On the night he was betrayed, just hours before his terrible death, Jesus paused to serve his friends, and to show us how to follow after him.

I Have Given You an Example: John 13:1-30
Matt McCullough

'Grace to You’ - the grace that keeps us working: Thess. 2

Date:  07/03/22
Speaker: Jonathan Worsley

Title: Grace to You
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-2, 2:16-17, 3:16-18

Description: In this overview sermon, we see how Paul reminds the hard-working Thessalonians of God’s grace which brings peace.

'Grace to You’ - the grace that keeps us working: 2 Thess
Jonathan Worsley

Broken Relationships: Genesis 3:7-24

Date:  04/03/22
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title:  Broken Relationships
Scripture: Genesis 3:7-24

Description: The fallout from sin touches every relationship in our lives, from our relationship with the world to our relationships with one another to the most important relationship of all--our relationship with God. But the gospel has the power to restore those relationships as far as the curse is found.

Broken Relationships: Genesis 3:7-24
Matt McCullough

The New Creation: How Should We Wait For It? Revelation 22:6-21

Date:  03/27/22
Speaker: Jonathan Worsley

Title: The New Creation: How Should We Wait For It?
Scripture: Revelation 22:6-21

Description: The apostle John arises from his angelic vision of the New Creation. Was it all just a dream? And how do Christians live today in light of the New Creation that they will inherit soon?

The New Creation: How Should We Wait For It? Revelation 22:6-21
Jonathan Worsley