Though we fear many things, Jesus has the power to free us from every overwhelming evil power (particularly fear of our sin and being in a sinful world) so we should not fear his power but trust his power.
Bound for Fullness of Joy: Psalm 16
Set Your Mind: Colossians 3:1-4
The Lord Bless You and Keep You: Numbers 6:22-27
My Spirit Rejoices: Luke 1:46-55
Your Kingdom Come: Psalm 72
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding: Psalm 45:1-17
The Lord Is My Rock: 2 Samuel 22:1-51
He loves me... He loves me not... ?: Romans 8:31-39
The End? 2 Samuel 24:1-25
Aftermath: 2 Samuel 13:1-21:22
From “Woe is Me” to “Send Me”: Isaiah 6:1-13
Against the Lord: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:31
Date: 10/29/23
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Against the Lord
Scripture: 2 Samuel 11:1-12:31
Description: Israel’s greatest hero is the chief villain in the Bible’s most vivid portrait of sin and what it causes. It’s a story meant to warn us of four terrible truths about sin, and point is to one glorious truth about God.
Established Forever: 2 Samuel 5:6-10:19
The Spirit of Groaning and Glory: Romans 8:18-30
Over All Israel: 2 Samuel 2:1-5:5
How the Mighty Fallen: 1 Samuel 28:1-2 Samuel 1:27
The tragedy of King Saul’s death reminds us that all kings die and let us down, except for Jesus. Being in Christ means our allegiance is to a King who will never let us down and ours is a citizenship in a Kingdom where the poor are exalted and where there will be righteousness, justice, and peace—forever.