Children’s Sunday School

During the school year, Sunday School classes are offered by age from infants through 12th grade. These classes begin at 9:00am each Sunday during the school calendar year. For Toddlers through Fifth Grade, we use curriculum from Truth78 (formerly Children Desiring God).

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Children’s Sunday School classes include:

  • Infant: An integral beginning for your child’s life in the church, these classes are a place of prayer, with Scripture read and prayed over you and your child each week.

  • Younger & Older Toddlers (A Sure Foundation): Fundamental truths about God and His character are taught through Bible stories and reinforced using age-appropriate Scripture memory and song. Younger Toddlers will rotate through 4 lessons over the year and Older Toddlers will rotate through 13 lessons.

  • Preschool (He Established a Testimony): This curriculum introduces young children to the greatness of God in the Old Testament. Children are acquainted with a big picture of God and presented with a foundation of Bible doctrine.

  • Kindergarten (Jesus, What a Savior): This study on the character of God utilizes the alphabet as a framework for introducing a new attribute each week.

  • 1st Grade (ABC’s of God): This is a study for children on redemption. Children are sinners, and the consequences for their sin are eternal. This curriculum is designed to present the Gospel, not with “us” at the center of the story, but with the greatness and worth of God at the center.

  • 2nd-3rd Grade (Faithful to All His Promises): This is a study for children on the Promises of God. Children will not simply learn about some of God’s promises, but rather they will discover what it means to trust in those promises. Emphasis is placed on the idea that God’s promises are a gift to us, not something that we deserve.

  • 4th-5th Grade (How Majestic Is Your Name) This is a study for students on the names of God, which provides a structure to show the greatness of our God. The names of God in the Bible are a reflection of His character, which is so glorious that He cannot be described by a single name.