Youth Ministry Philosophy


Our goal is to partner with parents as we raise our children and youth to know and love God in Christ. We therefore promise:

  • To claim every opportunity to encourage and enable parents as they work to fulfill the responsibility God has primarily assigned to them (Eph 6:4);

  • To use age-appropriate, God-centered curriculum to teach our children the themes and stories of the Bible, especially how the Bible’s parts relate to the whole message of the gospel (Deut. 6:6-9; Luke 24:27);

  • To pray for our children and youth, that God’s Spirit would open their eyes to see their need for Jesus and embrace the riches of God’s grace (Eph. 1:16-20);

  • And to model the love of God and faithful Christian living in the way that we treat those under our care (John 13:33-34).