
From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth

Date:  07/18/21
Speaker: M. K.
Title:  From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth

Scripture: Acts 11:1-30

Description: Understanding that God accepts all people without distinction affected the Jerusalem church's whole purpose and mission. As we consider this passage, we are challenged to find our role in Jesus' mission to get the gospel to the ends of the earth, a role for which he enables us.

The Gospel Goes Global: Acts 10:1-33

Date:  07/04/21
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title:  The Gospel Goes Global
Scripture: Acts 10:1-33

Description: In this passage the good news of the gospel extends to the gentiles. It is a transformative moment for the people of God. There is no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile: all of God's people are washed clean by the blood of Jesus. And if God doesn't make a distinction, neither should we.