Fear The Lord-

Growing Wise Together - James 5:19-20

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Date:  12/06/15
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Growing Wise Together
Scripture:  James 5:19-20

Description:  James finishes his letter by calling us to do for each other what he had done for his friends through his letter. He calls on every one of us to pursue everyone with the truth, because everything is on the line. We’re all responsible for helping each other bridge the gap between what is true about God and what is going on in our lives.

The Church In Prayer - James 5:13-18

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Date:  11/29/15
Speaker:  Drew Raines
Title:  The Church In Prayer
Scripture:  James 5:13-18

Description:  Throughout his letter James has been showing us what it looks like to live as if we truly believe that God is and that he is for us in Jesus. It makes sense, then, that he would close his letter with a call to prayer. Prayer demonstrates the fear of the Lord that is the source of all wisdom.

When Wealth Is Deadly - James 5:1-6

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Date:  11/15/15
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  When Wealth Is Deadly
Scripture:  James 5:1-6

Description:  With powerful, unmistakeable images James warns us that wealth can lead to our destruction. But how can we recognize when wealth becomes deadly? James gives us two examples. We're in danger when our wealth depends upon hoarding, and when our self-indulgence depends on exploitation.

Who Is Wise? - James 3:13-18

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Date:  10/11/15
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Who Is Wise?
Scripture:  James 3:13-18

Description:  James claims that the wisdom of the wise shows up in meekness or humility. Why? Because the wise know wisdom comes as a gift, not an accomplishment. The wise know wisdom is for serving others, not proving themselves. And the wise know wisdom is for making peace, not winning battles.

The Gifts Of God And The Trials Of Life - James 1:1-18

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Date:  08/30/15
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  The Gifts Of God And The Trials Of Life
Scripture:  James 1:1-18

Description:  James opens his letter full of commands with perhaps the most surprising command of all. He insists we’re to see the trials we face in life as cause for joy. It is through trials that we grow in maturity, through trials that we’re protected from a faith that’s not genuine. So what sort of trials should we expect? And where can we get what we need to persevere?

Resilient Joy - Ecclesiastes 11:8-12:8

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Date:  08/16/15
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  Resilient Joy
Scripture:  Ecclesiastes 11:8-12:8

Description:  Ecclesiastes is a book about meaninglessness and death, but it’s also a book about joy. Many times through the book, the author follows up sections on the depressing emptiness of life under the sun by telling us to enjoy ourselves as long as we live. How can we live with joy in a world so full of vanity?

What Good Is Justice? - Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3

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Date:  08/09/15
Speaker:  Matt McCullough
Title:  What Good Is Justice?
Scripture:  Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3

Description:  In two places Ecclesiastes laments the power of injustice, and in both places the author ties injustice to the problem of death. If death is our end, why do human lives deserve to be protected equally? And if the just and the unjust both end up dying, why worry with justice at all? Our only hope for the justice we crave is a God who sees all things and will judge us—all of us—after death.