Date: 07/28/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Praise Of The Lord
Scripture: Psalm 145
Description: This psalm shows us what appropriate praise looks like, in response to God's kindness. But how can we hope to praise the Lord as we should?
Date: 07/28/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Praise Of The Lord
Scripture: Psalm 145
Description: This psalm shows us what appropriate praise looks like, in response to God's kindness. But how can we hope to praise the Lord as we should?
Date: 07/21/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Steadfast Love
Scripture: Psalm 136
Description: This psalm shows us that everything God does he does for love, and it shows us how to respond to him.
Date: 07/14/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Presence Of The Lord
Scripture: Psalm 114
Description: This psalm celebrates the presence of the Lord with his people as the purpose of the Exodus. But what do you have when you have God's presence?
Date: 07/07/19
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title: The Testing Of Israel And The Temptation Of Christ
Scripture: Matthew 4:1-11
Description: In the story of the Exodus, God's people Israel were tested in the wilderness for 40 years. In the New Testament, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days. Israel repeatedly turned away from their Father in Heaven, but Jesus faced his temptation without sin. In this Jesus shows that He is the Son of God. And as the Son of God who was perfect, Jesus' death and resurrection purchased for us the right to be called children of God.
Date: 06/30/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: They Soon Forgot
Scripture: Psalm 106
Description: This psalm offers us the chance to learn from Israel's mistakes, to fear the Lord who takes sin seriously, and to trust in the God who remembered what Israel had forgotten.
Date: 06/23/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: How To Respond To Redemption
Scripture: Psalm 105
Description: This psalm models three ways to respond to God's grace in our lives.
Date: 06/16/19
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title: Satisfied in God Alone
Scripture: Psalm 81
Description: Psalm 81 is a celebration of God’s faithfulness to his people and a warning not to repeat the mistakes of Israel’s past. With the exodus as the backdrop, God’s message is clear: seek satisfaction in God and God alone.
Date: 06/09/19
Speaker: Matt Givens
Title: Memory Matters
Scripture: Psalm 78
Description: We’ve heard it said that those who fail to remember the past are doomed to repeat it. That’s why the psalmist calls us to remember God’s faithfulness and warns us about the cost of forgetfulness. Even so, we see God’s ultimate faithfulness—that he has not forgotten us—through the work of Christ.
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–––– Sunday ––––
Sunday School - 9:00 am
Worship Service - 10:30am
Sunday Evening Service - 5:00pm (Monthly on 1st Sunday)
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Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 3:00pm
Phone - 615-730-7267
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Edgefield Church Nashville | 700 Russell Street, Nashville, TN 37206 | EIN 62-0550982