Date: 12/08/19
Speaker: Shaka Mitchell
Title: Boast In Christ Alone
Scripture: Galatians 6:11-18
Description: Only God's merciful work through Jesus on the cross, not the work of our hands, brings salvation.
Date: 12/08/19
Speaker: Shaka Mitchell
Title: Boast In Christ Alone
Scripture: Galatians 6:11-18
Description: Only God's merciful work through Jesus on the cross, not the work of our hands, brings salvation.
Date: 12/01/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Sow To The Spirit
Scripture: Galatians 6:6-10
Description: We can invest our resources where they have no chance to yield, or we can invest our resources where they have no chance of failure.
Date: 11/24/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Christian Friendship
Scripture: Galatians 6:1-5
Description: What kind of friend does the gospel create? These verses give us a profile of Christian friendship, showing us both the work to be done and the tools we'll need for the job.
Date: 11/17/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Walk By The Spirit
Scripture: Galatians 5:16-26
Description: The key to enjoying rather than abusing the freedom of the gospel is walking by the Spirit. How do we do that?
Date: 11/10/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Free To Love
Scripture: Galatians 5:7-15
Description: When you don't have to spend your life justifying yourself, you're free to spend your life for others, as Christ did for you.
Date: 11/03/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Set Free For Freedom
Scripture: Galatians 5:1-6
Description: In Christ we are set free from the suffocating pressure to justify our lives, and set free to wait for the righteousness he promised us while we spend our lives in love for others.
Date: 10/27/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Children Of Promise
Scripture: Galatians 4:21-31
Description: In this text Paul uses a surprising argument to make a familiar and life-giving point: the freedom of the gospel comes only as a gift, never an achievement.
Date: 10/20/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Freedom Of The Gospel
Scripture: Galatians 4:8-20
Description: When the gospel delivers us from fear and pride, it sets us free to pour out our lives for one another.
Date: 10/13/19
Speaker: Scotty Smith
Title: The Astonishing, Transformative Love Of The Father
Scripture: 1 John 3:1-3
Description: In this text John is caught up into worship by the beauty of the gospel, and calls us to join him. How can we? By looking to an astonishing love, and liberating relationship, and a transformative hope.
Date: 10/07/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Before And After
Scripture: Galatians 4:1-7
Description: When God sent his Son, he gave us redemption from the curse of the law, he gave us adoption as sons and daughters of God, and he gave us his Spirit to convince us that it's all true.
Date: 09/29/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: One In Christ
Scripture: Galatians 3:27-29
Description: When you're in Christ, he is more important for who you are than anything else about you. This has huge implications for our relationships with one another.
Date: 09/22/19
Speaker: Bill Heerman
Title: Why Then The Law?
Scripture: Galatians 3:15-26
Description: In this passage Paul explains how the law prepares us for a savior. Obeying the law cannot save us. Instead, the law is God’s holy standard that reveals to us our sinfulness. Apart from Christ, our situation is desperate. But in Christ we are saved by grace through faith, and faith alone.
Date: 09/15/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Blessing Of Abraham
Scripture: Galatians 3:7-14
Description: In this passage Paul introduces Abraham as an ally for his argument about faith versus works of the law. The blessing God promised to Abraham comes to those who believe, as he did. So what is this blessing, and how is it possible for us to enjoy it?
Date: 09/08/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Faithful Spirituality
Scripture: Galatians 3:1-6
Description: The Christian life matures in the same way it begins--by God's grace through faith in the message of Christ crucified.
Date: 09/01/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Justified
Scripture: Galatians 2:15-21
Description: Justification is the center of this passage, it's the center of the letter, and it's the center of the gospel itself. So what is justification? And how do you get it?
Date: 08/25/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: In Step With The Gospel
Scripture: Galatians 2:11-14
Description: This stunning story shows us that it's possible to affirm the gospel with our words and still miss the implications of the gospel for how we live. It also shows us what God has given to help us live in step with the gospel.
Date: 08/18/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Why Trust The Gospel?
Scripture: Galatians 1:11-2:10
Description: Here are three reasons we can trust the gospel Paul's letter was meant to preserve for us.
Date: 08/11/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: A Different Gospel
Scripture: Galatians 1:6-10
Description: With unmistakable urgency, Paul shows us the danger of turning to a different gospel, and what makes us vulnerable.
Date: 08/04/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: Grace Alone: Introducing Galatians
Scripture: Galatians 1:1-5
Description: This letter was written to address very specific challenges for a specific group of people at a specific point in time. But Paul's words about the gospel speak directly questions that are crucial for our lives, too. Galatians helps us understand what the gospel is (and isn't), what the gospel means for who we are, and what the gospel means for how we live.
Date: 07/28/19
Speaker: Matt McCullough
Title: The Praise Of The Lord
Scripture: Psalm 145
Description: This psalm shows us what appropriate praise looks like, in response to God's kindness. But how can we hope to praise the Lord as we should?
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Sunday School - 9:00 am
Worship Service - 10:30am
Sunday Evening Service - 5:00pm (Monthly on 1st Sunday)
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9:00am - 3:00pm
Phone - 615-730-7267
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Edgefield Church Nashville | 700 Russell Street, Nashville, TN 37206 | EIN 62-0550982